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Steph Paquette

Better Funding for the Northern Health Travel Grant
Amélioration du financement pour les subventions aux résident(e)s du Nord de l’Ontario pour frais de transport à des fins médicales

April 19, 2023

Northern Ontarians need help with health travel costs

France Gélinas, MPP for Nickel Belt spoke in the legislature this morning about the need for better funding to support Northern Ontarians who have to travel long distances to access healthcare.

“Speaker, the Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG) was set up to ease the financial burden of Northerners having to travel down South for medical reasons. As it currently exists, the NHTG is leaving many Northern patients in vulnerable situations, unable to access the care they need.

You see Speaker, a patient needs to have the money upfront to travel to see a specialist and then weeks or months later they get reimbursed. Many low-income patients cannot afford those upfront costs, and so for them the door to treatment is closed shut.

The Minister knows that there is a barrier to care. So she gave me a list of 17 agencies in Nickel Belt who the Minister says provide upfront funding for those in need. My OLIP intern Sophie called each of those organizations. If you are a member of a First Nation, currently on Ontario Work or Ontario Disability Support Program, or a child registered with Easter Seals, you can get a bit of help. But for most people there is no help available.

Minister, this is wrong, people should not have to come to see me, desperate for care, but unable to pay for their bus ticket to Toronto. It’s clear Ontario needs an emergency fund, available to the people in the North facing these circumstances; because what we have now, does not work! ”

Withdraw Bill 124 Appeal
Retrait de l’appel du project de loi 124

April 17, 2023

Will the government withdraw it’s appeal of Bill 124?

France Gélinas, NDP Health critic, asked the Premier if his government will respect Ontario’s health care workers, and withdraw the appeal of Bill 124.

“My question is for the Premier.  Speaker, it has been over 3 long years since this government introduced Bill 124. Does the Premier think freezing the wages of essential workers during a pandemic is a good recruitment and retention strategy? In hindsight does he think it was a good idea?”

Since 2019, nurses, PSWs and other healthcare workers, and many other public servants have had their total compensation capped at 1% increase per year.

“Although the Premier does not think our “health care heroes” deserve a raise; it turns out both employers and employees agree on retroactive pay for work done during the pandemic. Nurses and paramedics, are being awarded back pay as we speak.”

The time has come for this Premier to start working for workers; to treat our health care workers as heroes. Will the Premier withdraw his appeal of Bill 124?”

Bill 124 was found to be unconstitutional on November 29, 2022, after which the provincial government decided to appeal the court ruling.

Transparent and Accountable Health Care Act
Loi sur le financement transparent et responsable des soins de santé

April 5, 2023

MPP Gélinas reintroduces bill to increase transparency in health sector organizations

MPP France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) reintroduced the Transparent and Accountable Health Care Act. This bill aims to increase the transparency and accountability of health sector organizations receiving public funding.

“With the Ford Conservative government putting more of our public health dollars into for profit, investor led clinics; it’s very important that Ontario implement oversight provisions to protect those public dollars. We saw how much money could be pilfered during the ORNGE Air ambulance fiasco. The diluted chemo drug scandal showed Ontarians that lack of oversight can directly affect patient care” Gélinas stated.

“The government voted down all 74 NDP amendments to Bill 60 yesterday at the Social Policy committee. If patient and fiscal protections won’t be included in Bill 60 then the government needs to enact the mechanisms included in my bill.” Bill 60 will create a two tiers system, by allowing invertors led private clinics to operate surgical suites and diagnostic medical imaging clinics that would charge patients for many services.

The Transparent and Accountable Health Care Act would apply to health sector organizations, as well as to publicly funded suppliers. The Act would mandate more public disclosure for these organizations, including Executive Compensation and Salary Disclosure. The Act would also classify these organizations and suppliers as governmental organizations under the Ombudsman Act, and would permit Auditor General oversight.

Terence Kernaghan MPP for London North Centre, stated “Treatments for at least 665 patients at London Health Sciences Centre were affected by the Diluted Chemotherapy Drugs scandal. The Social Policy Committee of this Legislative Assembly met for weeks of hearings between April and October 2013 and created a strong report with multiple recommendations. To my knowledge none of those recommendations have been acted upon and that’s shameful. Ontario needs to learn from its mistakes and take action to ensure they don’t happen again.”

MPP Gélinas first introduced this bill in 2015, based on recommendations from the ORNGE air ambulance and the diluted chemotherapy drugs reports.

Improve Internet access in northern and remote communities
Améliorer l’accès à l’internet dans les communautés dans le nord de l’Ontario

April 4, 2023

Will the government act on its promises to improve internet access in northern and remote communities?

France Gélinas, MPP for Nickel Belt, asked the Premier this morning if the government will finally use the money designated in the budget for infrastructure, and follow through on promises to provide fast, reliable and affordable internet to Northern and remote communities.

“Speaker, my question is to the Premier. Premier, in my riding, many people and businesses are dependent on slow, unreliable, expensive internet. I have met with every internet provider. None of them is interested in setting up in Nickel Belt; as there is no money to be made. You can pay for all the infrastructure; they are not coming. So, we use phone lines with a 5mb download and 2mb upload speed.

How can businesses thrive with this? The Government keeps claiming they’ll spend billions on broadband, but last year they spent less than 2% of that money. Will the government finally get that money out the door and put in place a government-run system for fast and reliable internet at a reasonable price?”

Until 2014, much of Northern Ontario had publicly administered internet services through Ontera. This was given to Bell nine years ago, and since then, there have been no updates to the infrastructure serving Ontera customers.

Bill on organ donation
Un projet de loi pour les dons d’organes

March 30, 2023

Gélinas re-introduces bills on organ donation

NDP Health critic France Gélinas has re-introduced the Peter Kormos Memorial Act (Trillium Gift of Life Network Amendment), which would change organ and tissue donation in Ontario from an opt-in system to an opt-out system.

“This bill will take people off transplant wait lists and out of dialysis clinics” said Gélinas. “It will help not only save lives, but help transplant recipients live longer, more productive lives.”

The bill is named after Welland MPP Peter Kormos, who was passionate about organ donation. Kormos died March 30, 2013; ten years ago today.

“We have laws that ensure that in the event somebody dies without a will, his or her assets are distributed to the next of kin,” said Kormos in 2006. “If you don’t make a will in this province, it’s presumed that you intend for your assets to be given to your children, your grandchildren and your sisters and brothers in a statutory schedule of who constitutes next of kin. I tell you that presumed intent legislation would do the same for organs.”

Le 30 mars 2023

Mme France Gélinas réintroduis un projet de loi pour accroître les dons d’organes

La porte-parole du NPD en matière de Santé, Mme France Gélinas, a présenté une nouvelle fois le projet de Loi commémorant Peter Kormos (modification de la Loi sur le Réseau Trillium pour le don de la vie), projet de loi qui, une fois adopté, modifierait la politique ontarienne en matière de don d’organes et de tissus : plutôt que de présupposer le refus du don d’organes et de tissus et d’exiger un consentement explicite pour rendre possible le prélèvement d’organes et de tissus, c’est le consentement qui sera présupposé, tout en reconnaissant à chaque personne le droit de signaler avant son décès le refus dudit prélèvement une fois son décès advenu.

« Cette loi permettra de réduire les listes d’attente pour les personnes ayant besoin d’une transplantation et de garder les gens hors des cliniques de dialyse », a expliqué Mme Gélinas. « Elle permettra non seulement de sauver des vies, mais aussi d’aider les récipiendaires d’une transplantation à vivre mieux et plus longtemps ».

Cette loi porte le nom de feu le député provincial de Welland, M. Peter Kormos, auquel la cause du don d’organes tenait à cœur. M. Kormos est décédé le 30 mars 2013; il y a dix ans aujourd’hui.

« Nous avons des lois qui garantissent que, dans le cas où une personne décède sans avoir fait rédiger de testament, les avoirs de cette personne sont distribués à son parent le plus proche », a dit M. Kormos en 2006. « Dans cette province, si vous ne faites pas rédiger de testament, il est présupposé que vous avez l’intention que vos avoirs soient transmis à vos enfants, à vos petits-enfants et à vos frères et sœurs, en fonction d’une désignation statutaire. Je vous dis qu’une politique législative présupposant l’intention ferait la même chose pour le don d’organes ».

Anti-Replacement Worker Legislation
Une loi anti-travailleurs de remplacement

March 29, 2023

NDP MPPs Re-introduce Anti-Replacement Worker Legislation

Today, NDP MPP France Gélinas introduced the Anti-Scab Labour Act, 2023 in the Ontario legislature with co-sponsors MPPs Jennifer French, Wayne Gates, Lisa Gretzky and Jamie West. The MPPs were joined by workers from Windsor and Oshawa who are presently on strike and can see firsthand the effects scab labour (replacement workers) has on negotiations. Ontario banned scab labour in 1992 when NDP Labour Minister Bob Mackenzie amended the Labour Relations Act; the ban on replacement workers was repealed in 1995 under legislation introduced by the Mike Harris government.

“My community faced a yearlong strike from 2009 to 2010 at the Vale-INCO in Sudbury. During that strike replacement workers were used,” Gélinas said. “Many of the replacement workers who crossed the picket line not only put their own safety at risk but also faced hardship for years after the strike.   Scab labour hurts people, families and communities. The use of scab labour leads to longer strikes and lockout. The time has come to close this loophole and ban the use of replacement workers like they did in Quebec and British Columbia decades ago” stated Gélinas. “This is the 16th time the NDP has introduced this bill and it’s time to make it the law.”

The anti-Scab labour Act, 2023 would prohibit the use of replacement workers during a strike or lockout, except in the case of emergencies. It is being introduced this week in recognition of the 10th anniversary of the death of MPP Peter Kormos (Welland 1988-2011). Mr. Kormos was known around Ontario as a champion of working-class people and collective bargaining. “To allow corporate bosses to circumvent, to avoid, collective bargaining at the table by importing scabs is an outrage” Mr. Kormos once stated. Peter Kormos passed away ten years ago on March 30th 2013, he was 60 years old.

“Ontario workers demand and deserve anti-scab legislation. It is appalling that in Ontario we still have a system that allows employers to lock out workers then hire replacement or scab workers to take their jobs. It undermines workers’ rights to a fair and free collective bargaining process. Recently, Highbury Canco in Leamington used scab workers to drag out a labour dispute for 23 days, most of which the employer wouldn’t bargain with the union,” stated MPP Lisa Gretzky. “Workers deserve to be respected and protected. We must bring in anti-scab labour legislation in Ontario. It will shorten labour disputes, reduce safety risks at workplaces and make the bargaining situation fair for everyone involved. I am honoured to represent Windsor, a strong labour town with an incredible work force. I know they, and workers across the province, will benefit from this anti-scab legislation.”

MPP Jamie West shared his experience of walking a picket line where replacement workers were allowed to cross. “Our bill prevents an employer from replacing striking or locked-out employees with scab replacement workers because bringing in replacement workers lengthens these labour disputes and undermines the effectiveness of workers who collectively agree to withdraw their labour.  I come from a union town and I’m proud of my blue-collar, working-class background. I know what it’s like to be on strike and I witnessed our Labour dispute unnecessarily extended because of the use of scab replacement workers. My community still bears the scars from workers in Sudbury and Nickel Belt being pitted against each other for almost a year during the 2010 USW strike. There is no doubt that, if the company was prohibited from using replacement workers, an agreement could have been reached much sooner. It’s not just the immediate impact during a specific Labour dispute. Using scab labour takes advantage of desperate people. It uses them to create divides in our communities and then leaves them behind. We will continue to stand alongside workers and stand for the right to collective bargaining. We encourage others to support our workers in voting in favour of this vital bill.”

“I have been a member of the labour movement for 40 years. Over and over again I have seen workers’ rights trampled on when workers are locked out and employers use scab labour to do their jobs. There is no incentive for employers to bargain in good faith, or at all, if they can simply replace locked out workers with scab workers. The Ford conservative government spends a lot of time saying they stand up for workers. Now is the time to do that and pass this bill,” MPP Wayne Gates stated.

“At a recent labour dispute in our community, Unifor 222 cleaners on strike made it clear to me how unsafe it was for replacement workers to be cleaning laboratories without training, health and safety protocols or proper protective equipment. Those replacement workers were dropped off in unmarked vans to run through residential neighbourhoods to get to the worksite. They had no protections. Employers using people as pawns to prolong strikes and disrespect their own workers is gross.  This government never sides with workers or safety, maybe today they will” Said MPP Jennifer French.


During the labour dispute at Highbury Canco the employer used scab workers to do bargaining unit’s work. This included management and new hires. It was extremely disheartening for all three shifts of picketers to see the scab workers being bused in. It became more and more dangerous on the picket line as drivers became more and more aggressive while they waited their five minutes in line. The OPP were called 8 times over the course of the strike, fortunately no one was hurt. With the assistance of our union president, Shawn Haggerty, and the Government conciliator, we were eventually able to get back to the bargaining table with the employer and hammer out an agreement. Tempers did rise on both sides and even though we are now back to work , we are still dealing with the fallout created by this. We are still struggling daily with the animosity and chaos this labour dispute created and I imagine it will continue.

Scott Jackson, Chief Steward Highbury Canco UFCW 175

When employers bring in replacement workers during a strike or lockout all it does is extend Labour disputes. The employer can simply walk away from the bargaining table, with the idea they can simply continue to run operations using scabs.

Brother Roopchand Doon, Vice-President of the Steelworkers’ Toronto Area Council

Les député.es néo-démocrates réintroduisent une loi anti-travailleurs de remplacement

29 mars 2023

La députée France Gélinas a présenté la Loi de 2023 sur les briseurs de grève à l’Assemblée législative de l’Ontario, coparrainé par les député.es Jennifer French, Wayne Gates, Lisa Gretzky et Jamie West. Les député.es ont été rejoints par des travailleurs de Windsor et d’Oshawa qui sont actuellement en grève et qui constatent l’effet des briseurs de grève (travailleurs de remplacement) sur les négociations. L’Ontario a interdit les briseurs de grève (travailleurs de remplacement) en 1992 lorsque le ministre du Travail du NPD, Bob Mackenzie, a modifié la Loi sur les relations de travail; l’interdiction des travailleurs de remplacement a été renversé en 1995 par le gouvernement de Mike Harris.

« Ma communauté a fait face à une grève d’un an de 2009 à 2010 à Vale-INCO à Sudbury. Pendant cette grève, des travailleurs de remplacement ont été utilisés. Bon nombre des travailleurs de remplacement qui ont franchi la ligne de piquetage ont non seulement mis leur propre sécurité en danger, mais ont également fait face à des difficultés pendant des années après la grève. L’utilisation de briseurs de grève fait du mal à long terme aux gens, aux familles et aux communautés. L’utilisation de briseurs de grève entraîne des grèves et des lock-out plus longs. Le temps est venu de fermer cette échappatoire et d’interdire le recours aux travailleurs et travailleuses de remplacement comme le Québec et la Colombie-Britannique l’ont fait il y a des décennies », a déclaré Madame Gélinas. « C’est la 16è fois que le NPD présente ce projet de loi et il est temps d’en faire une loi. »

La Loi sur les anti-briseurs de grève interdirait le recours à des travailleurs de remplacement pendant une grève ou un lock-out, sauf en cas d’urgence. Elle est présentée cette semaine en reconnaissance du 10è anniversaire du décès du député provincial Peter Kormos (Welland 1988-2011). M. Kormos était connu partout en Ontario comme un champion de la classe ouvrière et de la négociation collective. « Permettre aux patrons d’entreprise de contourner, d’éviter la négociation collective à la table en important des briseurs de grève est un scandale », a déclaré un jour M. Kormos. Peter Kormos est décédé il y a dix ans, le 30 mars 2013, il avait 60 ans.

« Les travailleurs et travailleuses de l’Ontario exigent et méritent une loi anti-briseurs de grève. Il est épouvantable qu’en Ontario nous ayons encore un système qui permet aux employeurs de mettre des travailleurs en lock-out puis d’embaucher des briseurs de grève pour prendre leur emploi. Ceci porte atteinte aux droits des travailleurs et travailleuses à un processus de négociation collective juste et libre. Récemment, Highbury Canco à Leamington a utilisé des briseurs de grève pour prolonger un conflit de travail pendant 23 jours,», a déclaré la députée Lisa Gretzky. « Les travailleurs et travailleuses méritent d’être respectés et protégés. Nous devons adopter une loi anti-briseurs de grève en Ontario. Cela raccourcira les conflits de travail, réduira les risques pour la sécurité sur les lieux de travail et rendra la situation de négociation équitable pour toutes les personnes concernées. Je suis honorée de représenter Windsor, une ville ouvrière forte, dotée d’une main-d’œuvre incroyable. Je sais qu’à Windsor et dans toute la province les gens bénéficieront de cette loi anti-briseurs de grève.

Le député provincial Jamie West a partagé son expérience sur une ligne de piquetage où les travailleurs de remplacement ont été autorisés à traverser. « Notre projet de loi empêche un employeur de remplacer des employés en grève ou en lock-out par des briseurs de grève parce que faire venir des travailleurs de remplacement allonge ces conflits de travail et nuit à l’efficacité des travailleurs qui s’entendent collectivement pour arrêter leur travail. Je viens d’une ville syndicale et je suis fier de mon passé de col bleu et de classe ouvrière. Je sais ce que c’est que d’être en grève et j’ai été témoin de l’extension inutile de notre conflit de travail à cause de l’utilisation de briseurs de grève. Ma communauté porte encore les cicatrices des travailleurs de Sudbury et de Nickel Belt qui se sont affrontés pendant près d’un an lors de la grève des Métallos en 2010. Nul doute que s’il était interdit à l’entreprise d’avoir recours à des travailleurs de remplacement, une entente aurait pu être conclue beaucoup plus tôt. Ce n’est pas seulement l’impact immédiat lors d’un conflit de travail spécifique. L’utilisation de briseurs de grève abuse des gens désespérés. Ils sont utilisés pour créer des divisions dans nos communautés, puis on les laisse derrière. Nous continuerons à nous tenir aux côtés des travailleurs et travailleuses et à défendre le droit à la négociation collective. Nous encourageons les autres député.es à soutenir nos travailleurs et travailleuses en votant en faveur de ce projet de loi vital. ”

« Je suis membre du mouvement syndical depuis 40 ans. Maintes et maintes fois, j’ai vu les droits des travailleurs et travailleuse bafoués lorsque les employeurs utilisent des briseurs de grève pour faire leur travail surtout durant les lock-outs. Rien n’incite les employeurs à négocier de bonne foi, voire pas du tout, s’ils peuvent simplement remplacer les travailleurs et travailleuses en lock-out par des briseurs de grève. Le gouvernement conservateur Ford passe beaucoup de temps à dire qu’il défend les travailleurs. Il est maintenant temps de le faire et d’adopter ce projet de loi, la loi 2023 sur les briseurs de grève », a déclaré le député Wayne Gates.

« Lors d’un récent conflit de travail dans notre communauté, les nettoyeurs d’Unifor 222 en grève m’ont clairement fait comprendre à quel point il était dangereux pour les travailleurs de remplacement de nettoyer des laboratoires sans formation, sans protocoles de santé et de sécurité ou sans équipement de protection approprié. Ces travailleurs de remplacement ont été déposés par des camionnettes banalisées pour traverser les quartiers résidentiels pour se rendre sur le chantier. Ils n’avaient aucune protection. Les employeurs utilisant ces gens comme des pions pour prolonger les grèves et démontrer leur non-respect à leurs propres travailleurs, c’est grossier. Ce gouvernement ne se range jamais du côté des travailleurs et travailleuses ou de la sécurité, peut-être qu’aujourd’hui ils le feront », a déclaré la députée Jennifer French.

Déclaration :

Pendant le conflit de travail chez Highbury Canco, l’employeur a utilisé des briseurs de grève pour faire le travail de l’unité de négociation. Cela comprenait la direction et les nouvelles recrues. C’était extrêmement décourageant pour les trois équipes de piqueteurs de voir les briseurs de grève se faire emmener en autobus. Cela devenait de plus en plus dangereux sur la ligne de piquetage alors que les chauffeurs devenaient de plus en plus agressifs pendant qu’ils attendaient leurs cinq minutes en ligne. La Police provinciale de l’Ontario a été appelée 8 fois au cours de la grève, heureusement personne n’a été blessé. Avec l’aide de notre président syndical, Shawn Haggerty, et du conciliateur du gouvernement, nous avons finalement pu revenir à la table de négociation avec l’employeur et conclure une entente. On vit une augmentation de l’agressivité des deux côtés et même si nous sommes maintenant de retour au travail, nous sommes toujours confrontés aux retombées créées par cela. Nous luttons encore quotidiennement contre l’animosité et le chaos que ce conflit de travail a créés et j’imagine que cela va continuer.

Scott Jackson, délégué syndical en chef Highbury Canco TUAC 175

Lorsque les employeurs font appel à des travailleurs de remplacement pendant une grève ou un lock-out, cela ne fait qu’étendre les conflits de travail. L’employeur peut quitter la table de négociation, avec l’idée qu’il peut simplement continuer à gérer ses opérations en utilisant des briseurs de grève.

Roopchand Doon, vice-président du Conseil régional des Métallos de Toronto

Make Healthcare More Accessible
Faciliter l’accès aux soins de santé

March 28, 2023

Less Healthcare for Ontarians coming April 1st

France Gélinas, MPP for Nickel Belt, and NDP Health critic is concerned changes coming April 1st will make eye care less accessible for seniors and access to any health care next to impossible for people experiencing homelessness.

“Yesterday I and the minister received thousands of emails calling on the provincial government to ensure continued access to medically necessary services to people living in Ontario. These people are Ontarians like you and I, Speaker. They are not able to get an OHIP card because of systemic barriers. How is a homeless person supposed to go to Service Ontario with a proof of address? They are homeless, but they deserve care. What is the minister going to do in the next three days to ensure that she removes barriers, so that every Ontarian who qualifies for a health card gets one?” asked MPP Gélinas.

The Ford government’s changes to vision care for seniors is also quite concerning. While those over 65 previously qualified for an eye exam every 12 months, seniors will now receive one exam every 18 months. “How can the minister justify her decision to reduce access to eye care for vulnerable seniors with deteriorating vision? What is the body of evidence that supports the cut to health care services that this government is doing?” asked MPP Gélinas.

Duty to consult with First Nations
Obligation de consulter les Premières nations

March 22, 2023

Ontario is ignoring its duty to consult First Nations

France Gélinas, MPP for Nickel Belt, rose in the legislature this morning to point out the Ford government’s duty to properly consult with the First Nation’s communities based in Ontario.

“Speaker, this morning, I was on the phone with Gimaa Craig Nootchtai, the Chief of Atikameksheng Anishinabek. His people’s traditional territories are home to almost all the mines in Nickel Belt; mines that play a big part in paying for this government’s upcoming budget. Gimaa Nootchtai and his council were invited to an information session on Bill 71: The Building More Mines Act. They put a lot of time and efforts preparing for this information session, as Bill 71 will have multi-generational implications for their people. Gimaa Nootchtai and his team were shocked when the government declared after the start of the information session that this virtual meeting was actually a consultation session. That meeting was the government’s idea of satisfying its duty to consult with First Nations on Bill 71. Gimaa Nootchtai said, and I quote: “I told them that “consultation” should have started when the proposed changes were first conceptualized so that we could truly participate in drafting legislation that directly affects our lands and rights.”

This government has a duty to consult First Nations, why are they not taking their responsibilities seriously? Why is it, that this government seems bound and determined to continue to treat First Nation people with such disrespect? This must change, when will this government consult with Atikameksheng Anishinabek on the changes to the mining act?”
According to the Ford government Bill 71, Building More Mines Act, 2023 will make opening a new mine faster and cheaper.

Pay Equity for Midwives
Équité salariale pour les sages-femmes

March 8, 2023

Will the government give midwives pay equity?

During question period MPP France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) asked the Premier if the government will listen to the courts and tribunals, and give midwives pay equity?

“You will remember in 1994, the NDP brought midwifery to Ontario. We gave Ontario families access to midwives for free and we paid the midwives respectfully. After 16 years of Conservative and Liberal governments (year 2000), midwives faced a $100,000 pay equity gap. No matter the analysis that the midwives presented, the Liberal and the Conservative governments refused to listen to these women. So the midwives launched multiple appeals in the courts and in the human rights tribunal. You know what, Speaker? They won each and every one of those appeals. The tribunal sided with the midwives and ordered the government to pay. Yet, we are now in 2023. It is International Women’s Day. Will this Conservative government do the right thing, respect the tribunal, respect midwives and give them pay equity?” Gélinas asked.

The Ontario Court of Appeal ruled in favour of midwives pay equity on June 13, 2022, a decision which the government stated it would not appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada. The decision came after nine years of appeals in courts and tribunals.

Concerns about Schedule 2 of Bill 60
Préoccupations concernant l’annexe 2 du projet de loi 60

March 7, 2023

Bill 60’s schedule 2 more than concerning

This morning in the Queen’s Park Media Studio MPP France Gélinas and the Executive Director of the Ontario Health Coalition spoke with reporters about their concerns with Schedule 2 of Bill 60; the Ford government’s bill to move surgeries into corporate controlled for-profit surgical suites.

“Currently the titles of physician, nurse, registered practical nurse, respiratory therapist, laboratory technician are all protected titles for health professionals that are supervised by a health college. The college ensures that the title is held by a professional with prescribed level of education, experience and is registered’’ Gélinas stated. “Schedule 2 of Bill 60 allows these titles to be used by people who are not registered members of a regulatory health college.”

Schedule 2 of Bill 60 states “physician” means a legally qualified medical practitioner who is lawfully entitled to practice medicine in Ontario or another prescribed person. The government has yet to release any draft regulations that would indicate who that another prescribed person would be. In order for people to receive quality care they need to trust that the physician or the nurse or the respiratory therapist in front of them have the knowledge and the skills of that profession.

Merha said “This legislation is already, in our opinion, horrible legislation as it brings in the privatization of core services from our public hospitals; however, there was no real need for this legislation as the government already had tools to make these changes. This schedule (2) is a shocking deregulation of a range of health care providers, from surgeons and physicians, through every class of nurses, x-ray technologist, respiratory therapists, and laboratory technologist. They’ve deregulated all those professionals and will leave it to regulations to prescribe who can call themselves a surgeon, who can call themselves a nurse and so on.”

Bill 60 has passed second reading and will be brought before the Ontario Legislature’s Social Policy Committee for public comment on March 20th and 21st.