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Steph Paquette

Dire State of Healthcare in the Sault
État désastreux des soins de santé à Sault Ste. Marie

May 29, 2024

Premier Ford leaving Sault Ste. Marie residents high and dry

QUEEN’S PARK — Official Opposition NDP Health critic France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) questioned Minister of Health Sylvia Jones about her plans for the 10,000 residents of the Sault Ste. Marie who are losing their family doctor on Friday.

“Mike is a 76-year-old resident of Sault St Marie. Mike has diabetes, he is a two-time cancer survivor. Last year he underwent a heart procedure. Mike now needs frequent consultation with his doctor to manage his recovery and new medications. On Friday, Mike, his daughter, 2 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren and 10,000 more Sault Ste. Marie residents will lose their family Doctor. What is the Minister of Health plan to help the good people of Sault Ste. Marie?”

This week there has been a flurry of media coverage drawing attention the dire state of healthcare in this Northern Ontario community.

“Murray and Eunice Patterson were some of the first patients of the Group Health Centre back in 1964. They are now 92 and 88 years old with mobility and other health issues but on Friday, they are losing access to their Doctor. It doesn’t have to be that way. The Group Health Center has submitted solutions and alternatives to this Minister, but they did not even get a reply. 10,000 people in Sault Ste. Marie are losing access to their family Doctor on Friday and no answer, no plan, no action, nothing from this government.

How can that be?”

Public Dollars for Corporate Greed
Les fonds publics pour la cupidité des entreprises

May 27, 2024

Will you protect public dollars from corporate greed?

QUEEN’S PARK – During Monday’s Question Period, MPP France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) called out Health Minister Sylvia Jones for neglecting corporate pillaging of health system dollars.

“Since the government introduced new sources of profit to pharmacies, pharmacists at Loblaws and Shoppers Drug Mart are being directed by their corporation to preform unnecessary MedsChecks to drive corporate profits. What has your government done to ensure that corporations like Loblaw and Galen Weston are not abusing our publicly funded health system?”

In February the CBC reported corporate pressure led Shoppers Drug Mart staff to bill for unnecessary medication reviews.

“Things are so bad that the college of Pharmacists of Ontario did a survey, the results: Shopper’s and Loblaws Drug stores are the 2 workplaces where most of the pressure happens. Pharmacists are being pressured to do more: meds checks, cold call meds check, naloxone dispensing, therapeutic checks and minor ailments assessments and prescribing but do them within limited time.

All of this generates more profits but is against the position statement issued by the College and putting pharmacists’ licenses at risk.

What is the government doing to protect pharmacists’ licenses and guard the public purse? Or is the government happy Shopper’s and Loblaws are raking in more profit at the taxpayer’s expense?”

In Solidarity with Health Care Professionals
En soutien aux professionnels de la santé

May 16, 2024

Gélinas supports Health-Care Professionals

QUEEN’S PARK — Official Opposition NDP Health Critic France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) rose in the legislature to make a statement regarding the 900 health-care professionals holding a rally at Health Sciences North today.

“Today speaker my colleague, MPP West and I wish we were in our ridings so we could join the 900 health-care professionals holding a rally at Health Sciences North.

You see speaker these workers have been working without a collective agreement since June 2022, two long years ago.

Today, May 16th is the long-awaited arbitration date.

We support workers.

I know that there are shortages in about 15 classifications of health care professionals, including Respiratory Therapists, Pathologist Assistants, Lab Technicians, Radiation Therapists, Medical Radiation Technologists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Pharmacy Technicians, Prosthetic and Orthotic Technicians, Perfusionists and the list goes on.

These shortages cause delays in tests needed for diagnosis, delays in care and treatment plans and missed care. All of these delays lead to extended hospital stays, hospital overcrowding and hallway health care.

The top reasons why health care professionals leave their work are pay and working conditions. So, I sure hope that the arbitration brings them what negotiation was not able to bring, that is fair wages and good working conditions.

To all the health care workers and allies at the rally today, I value your important work. We wish we could be there with you and sure hope after waiting for two years that you get a good collective agreement.


Healthcare Staffing Nightmare
Pénurie de Personnel dans les Soins de Santé

May 14, 2024

Gélinas calls for Action After FOI Exposes Healthcare Staffing Nightmare

QUEEN’S PARK — Official Opposition NDP Health Critic France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) raised concerns today regarding the projected staffing shortfall in Ontario’s healthcare sector.

” According to Ministry data, Ontario is presently short over 13,000 nurses; by 2032, this number will rise to 33,200,” said Gélinas. “The number one reason for this shortage is the workload nurses face on every shift. Why isn’t this government using its own data and taking action to improve the workload of our nurses?”

Through a Freedom of Information request, The Canadian Press obtained information from the Minister of Long-Term Care’s briefing book, revealing abysmal staffing shortages in Ontario’s health sector for the next ten years.

“It gets worse. Ministry data tells us we are short 38,000 PSWs; by 2027, this number will be 50,000. No matter how many PSW we train, 1 in 4 PSWs leave their profession each year,” continued Gélinas. “This government’s utter disrespect for the working conditions of healthcare workers is driving them away. What is the government doing to improve working conditions for PSWs?”

Quick Facts:

• By 2024, Ontario will face a shortage of 13,200 nurses.
• The projected shortage of Personal Support Workers (PSWs) is even more dire, with a shortfall of 37,700 by 2024.
• Attrition rates are alarmingly high, with 25% of PSWs leaving the profession annually.
• Briefing documents obtained through FOI requests indicate workload, working conditions, and low wages as key issues driving staffing         shortages.

Nurse Practitioners are ready, where is the Ministry of Health?
Les infirmières praticiennes sont prêtes, mais où est le Ministère de la santé ?

May 13, 2024

Nurse Practitioners are ready, where is the Ministry of Health?

QUEEN’S PARK – During Question Period this morning, NDP Health Critic France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) implored the Minister of Health to fully engage the provinces Nurse Practitioners in the Primary Care Crisis.

“Members of the Nurse Practitioner Association of Ontario came to Queen’s Park today. They came to share solutions with the Minister for the 2.3 million Ontarians without access to primary care. They are ready, willing and able to care for thousands of orphan patients. Unfortunately, although all 25 Nurse Practitioner Led Clinics are willing to help, they represent only 4 of the 78 teams announced by the Minister. Will the Minister listen to the solutions brought forward by the Nurse Practitioners Association, open positions for Nurse Practitioners and give Ontarians access to primary care.“

It has been reported widely that under employed Nurse Practitioners are opening private clinics to deliver care to Ontario residents without access to primary care.

“Nurse Practitioner scope of practice has finally increase so they can order diagnostic imaging and provide more treatments, they have taken on this extra work, these new responsibilities very successfully. Yet Nurse Practitioners working in primary care, in Long Term Care, in our correctional system have not seen a salary increase since this government took power. When will the Minister start showing respect for hard working Nurse Practitioners and at a minimum close the salary gap between hospitals and other health settings?”

Nurse practitioners have more training than registered nurses and can deliver high standard of primary care, including diagnosing and treating common conditions, referring to specialists and prescribing medication.

Nurse to Patient Ratios
Les ratios des patients par infirmière

May 7, 2024

Will you implement mandatory nurse to patient ratios in Ontario?

QUEEN’S PARK —NDP Health critic France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) questioned the Minister of Health about her commitment to ending health care staff burn out and improving the quality of care in Ontario’s hospitals.

“Our healthcare system is in disarray, with no relief in sight. Patients, from sick babies to people needing palliative care face long waits in emergency rooms and overcrowded hospital. Minister, this doesn’t have to be the new normal in Ontario. British Columbia is implementing mandatory nurse to patient ratios in that province.

Will the Minister commit to improve patient and nurse outcomes and bring nurse to patient ratios in Ontario? “

France Gélinas and representatives from the province’s nurses gathered in the Queen’s Park media studio this morning to discuss her bill, the Patient-to-Nurse Ratios for Hospitals Act, 2024.

“The state of California implemented Nurse to patient ratios 25 years ago and the numbers speak for themselves. Better patient outcomes and less nurses burnout. Two challenges that this Minister of Health and Premier continue to ignore as they rush towards corporate for-profit delivery of our health services.

If this government really wants to improve Ontario’s health services, there is an easy first step: get started on Nurse to Patient ratios. Will the Minister do it?”

Don Morin Will be Missed
Don Morin nous manquera

April 24, 2024

We’ve lost Don Morin

QUEEN’S PARK – France Gélinas, MPP for Nickel Belt rose in the legislature to make a statement recognizing the passing of Don Morin.

“Last Friday, my riding, my team and I lost a good friend, Mr. Don Morin. Don advocated for worker’s rights before and after his retirement from the United Food and Commercial Workers Union. He strongly believed in the NDP as the best choice for the working people of Ontario.

Don was the president of the NDP Nickel Belt riding association in 2007, when I was first elected, and he continued as my president until 2015. We called him “Best Prez Ever,” due to this constant involvement. Whether it was putting up signs, bringing t-shirts, hats, snacks, tools, whatever was needed, Don was always happy to help. He also helped support my predecessor, Ms. Shelley Martel, while she was in office.

During the last election, he was still very active with my team, pointing out all of the sign locations where NDPs had put up signs, he knew the size and locations where people wanted their sign… He would grab the sledgehammer and start nailing the sign just like he had done for the last five decades. But that was against his wife’s instruction; there was supposed to be no sledgehammer for Don, because he was 81 years old at the time.

Don leaves behind his smiling wife Diane, two sons and three grandkids. He was extremely proud of his family and what they have achieved. Thank you for sharing Don with us. We’ve learned so much from him, and I can assure you his life lessons will not be forgotten.

“I will miss you, Don”

Donald Albert Morin born January 23, 1941, died peacefully at his home in Garson surrounded by family on Friday, April 19, 2024.

End Gouging at the Pump
Mettre fin à l’escroquerie à la pompe

April 23, 2024

We can stop price gouging at the pump

QUEEN’S PARK – France Gélinas, MPP for Nickel Belt appealed to Premier Ford to stop gouging at the pump in a statement in the legislature.

“We all know that gas prices jumped an average of 14 cents per litre across the GTA last week. Premier Ford immediately raised the concern of disgusting price gouging by Ontario gas stations. I applaud the Premier’s statement and rise to offer him a solution.

Residents of Nickel Belt and Northern Ontario have been dealing with price gouging at the pump for years. Fuel companies set the price per litre according to what the market can bear. Apparently, in the North, we can bear a lot.

Thousands of people have signed my petition to regulate the price of gas. We regulate the price of energy when it comes to natural gas, when it comes to electricity; what is stopping us from regulating the price of a litre of gas? Five provinces and many US states already have gas price regulation, and it works.

I ask that the Premier finally considers regulating the price of gas here in Ontario so that none of us have to be gouged when we go and fill up. This is a moment when this Premier can actually get it done. You have recognized that Ontarians are being gouged by fuel retailers across the province. Let’s end price gouging at the pump now. We can do this.”

France Gélinas and the NDP have been advocating for energy board oversight of retail gasoline prices since 2014.

Intimate Partner Violence an Epidemic
La violence entre partenaires intimes: Une épidémie

10 Avril, 2024

La députée France Gélinas veut que l’Ontario déclare la violence entre partenaires intimes une épidémie

QUEEN’S PARK – Aujourd’hui pendant la période des questions, Madame France Gélinas, la députée provinciale de Nickel Belt a demandé au gouvernement Ford s’il était au courant que la violence commise par des partenaires intimes est très présente dans le Nord de l’Ontario.

« Nous savons depuis trop longtemps que la violence entre partenaires intimes est un problème trop fréquent, surtout dans le Nord de l’Ontario. Ce gouvernement a fermé la station de Police Provinciale de l’Ontario à Gogama et celle à Foleyet. Les longs délais lors des appels à l’aide mettent les survivantes en grand danger.

Je suis contente que le gouvernement va accepter le projet de loi du NPD et déclarer la violence entre des partenaires intimes, une épidémie. Est-ce que le gouvernement peut nous assurer que des solutions seront mises en œuvre dans les plus brefs délais pour les communautés francophones et les communautés du Nord ? »

Les députés néo-démocrates de l’opposition officielle se sont joints à un grand nombre de survivantes et de familles qui sont venues à Queen’s Park aujourd’hui, pour déclarer que la violence entre partenaires intimes (VPI) est une épidémie.

« Pendant des années, les conservateurs de Ford ont délibérément refusé de déclarer qu’il s’agissait d’une épidémie. Des vies ont été perdues, pendant qu’ils faisaient de la politique.

La violence entre partenaires intimes ne fait pas de discrimination; elle touche tout le monde, peu importe la langue ou la région. Il est temps d’arrêter de parler et de commencer à agir. Non seulement nous devons déclarer qu’il s’agit d’une épidémie, mais nous devons également mettre en œuvre des mesures pour sauver des vies, le plus rapidement possible.

La sensibilisation sans action n’aboutira à rien. Les conservateurs doivent au minimum rétablir le financement du fonds d’indemnisation des victimes et veiller à ce que nos tribunaux soient dotés d’un personnel adéquat pour que les victimes puissent obtenir justice. »

What is the Health Ministry hiding?
Que cache le ministère de la santé ?

April 9, 2024

What is the Health Ministry hiding?

QUEEN’S PARK —NDP Health critic France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) questioned the Minister of Health regarding reports her Ministry refuses to share health system staffing data.

“The health care staffing shortage has reached crisis level. The government has the data that shows this, but they are actively hiding that information from the public. The government was elected six years ago, and what have they done, Speaker? They have been disrespectful and harmful to our health care workers. Is the minister so ashamed of her work on health care that she is hiding the workforce numbers?.“

Global News reported a freedom of information request to the Ministry of Health regarding nursing, personal support worker and physician shortages was rejected as it could be considered economically damaging.

“The government can brag about how many nurses and health care workers have registered. They can continue to spend millions of taxpayers’ dollars to pay for advertising across social media, during the hockey game and on the radio bragging about the numbers of health care workers, but they are refusing to show us the numbers because they know that it is much worse under their watch.

So can the minister explain to the people of Ontario why the government is pulling the wool over our eyes?.”