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For-Profit Corporation leasing operating rooms at the Ottawa Hospital
Société à but lucratif louant des salles d’opérations à l’Hôpital d’Ottawa

April 20, 2023

Will the Premier investigate the for-profit use of Ottawa Hospital operating rooms?

France Gélinas, MPP for Nickel Belt asked the Premier this morning whether he will investigate the leasing of operating rooms in an Ottawa Hospital for private, for-profit surgeries.

There have been 60 surgeries performed by for-profit companies on weekends at the Ottawa Hospital, Riverside Campus, and a further 60 more are scheduled to take place.

“Premier, we all know that the privatization of orthopaedic surgery, the poaching of staff from our public hospitals is exactly what this government wants to do with Bill 60. But section 4 of the Ontario Public Hospitals Act is very clear: Leasing any space in a public hospital requires the explicit written approval of the Ministry of Health. You can’t even put a Tim Hortons in a hospital without ministerial approval. The law in Ontario is clear: The Ottawa Hospital cannot lease its operating room without the explicit written approval of the Minister of Health. I hope the Premier knows that.

When will the Premier investigate the apparent breach of Ontario laws by the for-profit corporation leasing operating rooms at the Ottawa Hospital?” asked Gélinas.