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More Hospital Closures
Encore plus de fermetures d’hôpitaux

May 31, 2024

First Minden, now West Grey, how many more hospitals will you close?

QUEEN’S PARK —NDP Health critic France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) questioned the Minister of Health Thursday morning about her plans to close more Ontario hospitals.

“Durham Hospital in West Grey is this government’s next Minden. On Monday, their emergency room will be closed 14 hours per day and all inpatient beds will be closed. West Grey town council had to declare a state of emergency. South Muskoka Memorial Hospital is going down the same path. And the hospitals in Chelsey, Clinton, Almonte, Arnprior, Campbellford, Hawkesbury, Listowel, Mt Forest, Palmerston, Seaforth, South Huron, Walkerton and Wingham are not far behind.

How many rural hospitals does this Minister intend to close?”

Friday May 31st is the one-year anniversary of the closure of the Minden Hospital.