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In Solidarity with Health Care Professionals
En soutien aux professionnels de la santé

May 16, 2024

Gélinas supports Health-Care Professionals

QUEEN’S PARK — Official Opposition NDP Health Critic France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) rose in the legislature to make a statement regarding the 900 health-care professionals holding a rally at Health Sciences North today.

“Today speaker my colleague, MPP West and I wish we were in our ridings so we could join the 900 health-care professionals holding a rally at Health Sciences North.

You see speaker these workers have been working without a collective agreement since June 2022, two long years ago.

Today, May 16th is the long-awaited arbitration date.

We support workers.

I know that there are shortages in about 15 classifications of health care professionals, including Respiratory Therapists, Pathologist Assistants, Lab Technicians, Radiation Therapists, Medical Radiation Technologists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Pharmacy Technicians, Prosthetic and Orthotic Technicians, Perfusionists and the list goes on.

These shortages cause delays in tests needed for diagnosis, delays in care and treatment plans and missed care. All of these delays lead to extended hospital stays, hospital overcrowding and hallway health care.

The top reasons why health care professionals leave their work are pay and working conditions. So, I sure hope that the arbitration brings them what negotiation was not able to bring, that is fair wages and good working conditions.

To all the health care workers and allies at the rally today, I value your important work. We wish we could be there with you and sure hope after waiting for two years that you get a good collective agreement.
