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Healthcare Staffing Nightmare
Pénurie de Personnel dans les Soins de Santé

May 14, 2024

Gélinas calls for Action After FOI Exposes Healthcare Staffing Nightmare

QUEEN’S PARK — Official Opposition NDP Health Critic France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) raised concerns today regarding the projected staffing shortfall in Ontario’s healthcare sector.

” According to Ministry data, Ontario is presently short over 13,000 nurses; by 2032, this number will rise to 33,200,” said Gélinas. “The number one reason for this shortage is the workload nurses face on every shift. Why isn’t this government using its own data and taking action to improve the workload of our nurses?”

Through a Freedom of Information request, The Canadian Press obtained information from the Minister of Long-Term Care’s briefing book, revealing abysmal staffing shortages in Ontario’s health sector for the next ten years.

“It gets worse. Ministry data tells us we are short 38,000 PSWs; by 2027, this number will be 50,000. No matter how many PSW we train, 1 in 4 PSWs leave their profession each year,” continued Gélinas. “This government’s utter disrespect for the working conditions of healthcare workers is driving them away. What is the government doing to improve working conditions for PSWs?”

Quick Facts:

• By 2024, Ontario will face a shortage of 13,200 nurses.
• The projected shortage of Personal Support Workers (PSWs) is even more dire, with a shortfall of 37,700 by 2024.
• Attrition rates are alarmingly high, with 25% of PSWs leaving the profession annually.
• Briefing documents obtained through FOI requests indicate workload, working conditions, and low wages as key issues driving staffing         shortages.