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What is the Health Ministry hiding?
Que cache le ministère de la santé ?

April 9, 2024

What is the Health Ministry hiding?

QUEEN’S PARK —NDP Health critic France Gélinas (Nickel Belt) questioned the Minister of Health regarding reports her Ministry refuses to share health system staffing data.

“The health care staffing shortage has reached crisis level. The government has the data that shows this, but they are actively hiding that information from the public. The government was elected six years ago, and what have they done, Speaker? They have been disrespectful and harmful to our health care workers. Is the minister so ashamed of her work on health care that she is hiding the workforce numbers?.“

Global News reported a freedom of information request to the Ministry of Health regarding nursing, personal support worker and physician shortages was rejected as it could be considered economically damaging.

“The government can brag about how many nurses and health care workers have registered. They can continue to spend millions of taxpayers’ dollars to pay for advertising across social media, during the hockey game and on the radio bragging about the numbers of health care workers, but they are refusing to show us the numbers because they know that it is much worse under their watch.

So can the minister explain to the people of Ontario why the government is pulling the wool over our eyes?.”